AN extra boost was given to Barry’s economy as a new market opened over the weekend.

On a sunny Sunday, February 5, Green Top Events put on their maiden market on Barry’s King Square.

Everything from local meat, to fruit and veg, to garden furniture and jewellery was being sold from a total of 30 stalls.

Residents could delight in home-made cakes and brownies as well as hot food and more, much of it locally produced.

Watch the video below as we walk through the market

Owner of Green Tops, Gareth O’Sullivan said one of the big aspects the market wanted to promote was going local.

“We see a lot of independents wanting to come into the market to showcase their wears,” said Mr O’Sullivan, who encouraged local businesses who wanted to get involved to contact Green Top Events at their website.

Barry And District News:

(There were 30 stalls set up on King Square on Sunday, February 5)

Barry And District News:

(Nicola and daughter Rosy at Barry's Num Nums bakery)

The market is run every first Sunday and fourth Friday of the month from 10am to 3pm.

For manager at Green Top, Penny Bunce, she said this market was a big deal to the company.

“We do markets all around south Wales," explained Penny, “and we have just recently taken the contract at Barry.”

Barry And District News:

(Great hot food at Bayside Grill)

Barry And District News:

(Lynn with her 'Delicious Delights' including homemade brownies)

Barry And District News:

(The market was selling everything from meat to jewellery)

One of the notable affects of the market, which Mr O’Sullivan found from putting markets on in other areas, is that it helps businesses in the area.

Barry and District tested this theory, asking local business round the square including the popular Caesars Café what they thought.

Boss Mark said he was all for events, helping to bring more customers to his business too.

Watch the video as Nicola of Nums Nums bakery invites people to check out the market

It’s seems like something much needed after businesses were once again hammered by the Vale Council, which, in its proposed budget for 2023/24 is looking to raise the rents on establishments having outdoor seating areas. In some cases rents were going up as much as £750.

Mr O’Sullivan said the market wasn’t looking to compete but to help improve the local economy.

“We find things like this help a lot of the regeneration side,” said Mr O’Sullivan. “We see this as a reach out to the town centre.”

And it could reach out even further, with potential for more dates to host the market, plus Green Tops Events are looking to bring four festival dates to the town.

If you have a stall you want to set up, or if you want to find out more about the market go to